Our 2024 bonfire
H&S, and All you need to know for Members

1  Procession rules - Heath and Safety is key to us as an organisation

Hastings Borough Bonfire Society Safety Rules

We are part of a long tradition of Bonfire in Hastings and East Sussex.  We are proud of this heritage and strive to maintain high standards.  To this end we have definite expectations of our members.


·       Only members of this Society or members of other recognised societies officially invited, in writing by the Society, may walk with us. All members must be in one of the Society’s official recognised costumes

·       Membership is not transferable. Only the member named on the membership form is allowed to wear their procession badge to show their current membership. [Visiting Societies are vetted separately.]

·       Do not invite non-members (friends, family or children) to join in the procession. We are not responsible for people marching with us who are not members of the Society and they will be asked to leave the procession as they will be at risk.

·       Whenever in a procession with the Society, we walk in orderly ranks of three (one on each side of the road and one in the middle).  This presents the Society at its best, and allows space for easy movement of marshals, torch runners, and other officials.

·       We keep a torch-and-arm-length distance from the person in front of us and next to us. Be aware of those in front of you as sometimes a procession may suddenly halt.

·       Officers and marshals will organise the forming of ranks in the procession, and maintain them throughout.  If you ignore the instructions of a marshal you may be asked to leave the procession.

Assembly - forming up for the procession

2024 Grand Procession to Celebrate the Discovery of The Gunpowder Plot: -

The Amexrica Ground Banner and Group

[roadsign letter A - near the traffic lights]

HBBS Banners & Maces

Giant Effigy

Hastings Borough Bonfire Society

The Mayor, & Honourable Guests 

Members of the RNLI (200th Anniversary)

[roadsign letter B]

Section 5 Drummers

Lewes South Street Bonfire Society

Ewhurst and Staplecross Bonfire Society

Robertsbridge Bonfire Society

Raven Drummers

[roadsign letter C]

Battel Bonfire Society

Ninfield Bonfire Society


Northiam Bonfire Society

Rye and District Bonfire Society

[roadsign letter D]

Ryebellion Drummers

Lewes Cliffe Bonfire Society

Nevill Juvenille Bonfire Society

Chiddingly Parish Bonfire Society


[roadsign letter E]

South Heighton Bonfire Society

Lewes Southover Bonfire Society

Eastbourne Bonfire Society

Stix Drummers

Burgess Hill Bonfire Society

Lewes Commercial Square Bonfire Society

[roadsign letter F]

Celebration Samba  

Lewes Waterloo Bonfire Society

Littlehampton Bonfire Society

Who The Devil Are We


[roadsign letter G]

Firle Bonfire Society

Newick Bonfire Society

East Hoathly & Halland Bonfire Society

Fishbone Ash

Other visiting Societies

HBBS Blazing Firecarts

[roadsign letter H - towards the pier]


Flaming torches are an important and spectacular part of the procession.  Torches are available at the beginning and specified points during the procession.

·        Your torch should be kept with you, and not handed on to anybody else.  Under no circumstances must torches be given to members of the public.

·        Only light up when instructed to do so.

·        Once you have a lighted torch use it until it is spent.

·        When a torch is spent or becoming dangerous discard it in the gutter for collection.

·        Discard torches away from large numbers of spectators and parked cars.

·        Avoid making mini bonfires.

·       Torches should be held upright above head height in front of you and to one side or other of your face (as the wind blows) and please be aware of distances from those down-wind from you.  Unlit torches are carried downwards. Torches must not be put over shoulders or held out at angles. Be especially careful that there is a safe distance from your lit torch and members of the public. Torches must not be swung around, carried or moved about in such a way that they can cause damage to other members, spectators or buildings.

·       Take care with torches near Society banners.

·       Do not kick or play games with any lit torches or torch heads that are on the ground where there are ANY members of the public. Any torch or torch head that might cause a trip hazard should be carefully moved to a safe place such as the edge of the road with a boot.

·       Hastings Borough Bonfire Society endorses the Sussex Bonfire Council recommendation that children under ten years of age should not use torches.  Society officials will not issue torches to such children.

·    Under no circumstances must anybody go ANYWHERE near the net sheds or the Cyril and Lilian Bishop with a torch, whether lighted or not!  Offenders will be dealt with promptly.

·        At the end of the procession we throw our torches onto the fire together.  Do not throw your torch onto the fire until signaled to do so, normally after the Bonfire Chant.x§ from another society on the other side of the bonfire.  Just don’t be silly please.  This is H&S and it is important.

Fire-Site Safety

      Nobody is to enter the fire site at any time without the express permission of the Captain of the Fire Site [Liz].

      The firework area is a completely restricted area with no access.  Please don’t use it as a cut-through, as it wastes pyro team time chasing people away.  Only authorised personnel enter, with the permission of the Captain of Fireworks (Renegade Pyrotechnics [Sam]).

      STAY AWAY from any of the display fireworks, set pieces or effigy which will be protected by barriers / orange fencing.

      Do not climb over, cross, break down or open up any barriers or fencing.

      After the main event the bonfire is barriered off and only members of the Society may gain access. Do not invite non-members into the restricted area.


      The discharge of fireworks in a public place is a criminal offence.

      The Society cannot be held responsible for any arrest, prosecution or any insurance or similar claim against any member who chooses to use fireworks incorrectly or illegally.

      The Society does not accept the throwing or misuse of fireworks in any circumstances.

      All projectiles are banned except as part of an organised display.

      Members of Hastings Borough Bonfire Society are not insured to throw ‘bangers’ or ‘rookies’. Many societies ban them though some societies allow these in designated private firework areas. Any HBBS member throwing ‘rookies’ / ‘bangers’ will be personally liable for any accident or insurance claim that may arise from their actions. The Sussex Bonfire Council do not permit any “bangers” larger than a “rookie”, Spanish number two, or small Chinese.

Juniors – under 18 year old

Young people are welcome as they are our future.

      All children are the responsibility of the member, with designated parental responsibility, as named on the membership form.

      The designated adult member must accompany the junior at all times. 

      The adult member is totally responsible for the well-being and behaviour of the child/children.

      The adult member may be appropriately disciplined if the child behaves in a manner that could be dangerous or bring the Society into disrepute.

      Non-members may not accompany juniors.

      Our society allows junior members over the age of 10 to carry lighted torches, subject to parental judgement and oversight.

First Aid

Trained first aiders (St John Ambulance) will be in attendance along with marshals and members of the emergency services who should be made aware if you require medical attention. The Tri-arg medical centre is located at the west end of George Street.

Emergency Services

The emergency services are there to help us put on a safe and well organised event as well as to protect us and members of the public.  The directions of the emergency services must be followed, even if this deviates from our original plans.  It is the job of the officers of the Society to liaise with all the emergency services and make any decisions that need to be made. Please comply with these decisions/directions.

Out-meetings and other Events

      You are fully expected to behave in the same way at other events, to which the Society has been invited, as we would expect people to behave when visiting us.  The above rules still apply.  Remember you are representing the Society and our town.

      Officers, senior members of the Society and those appointed as Procession Marshals have the full authority of the Society to ensure the safety of all members, participant s and the public; as well as to uphold the Society’s good reputation. All members need to follow their instructions. Those members behaving inappropriately may be asked to leave the procession or event.

Complaints and Problems

It is important to remember that as a society we have a range of different backgrounds and skills. Members may have various challenges in their life that affects them. We aim to sort all problems in an informal and respectful way.


All members must follow these steps if they have a complaint, problem or are unhappy about something. It is not appropriate or respectful to openly discuss matters concerning individual or small groups of members at Members’ Meetings.

1. Speak informally to the member concerned. You might choose to ask another member to support you.

2. If your issue is unresolved: Speak to the relevant Captain / Membership Secretary / Health & Safety Officer / vice chair

3. If your issue is unresolved: Speak to a member of the ‘Top Table’ (Chair / Secretary / Treasurer)

4. If your issue is unresolved or if it concerns a member of the ‘Top Table’ (Chair / Secretary / Treasurer) write to the Directors and Trustees of the Society c/o the registered address at the bottom of this page.

2. Call To Arms! How and when to get involved in our society's main event

Everything we all need to know, where to be what to do and who to ask

OPEN: 2024 Members Call To Arms document 

3. Fire Site Barrier erection schedule 2024

Thursday 8pm

Friday 8am

Friday 3pm

Saturday 7am

Saturday 7pm

4. Procession Route Map

Procession route timings 2024

Approximate timings based on timed walk of Procession route.

19:00 America Ground Ceremony

19:15 Procession departs America Ground

19:35 Procession at Iceland Roundabout

19:50 Procession arrives at Re-torch point

20:00 Procession leaves Re-torch point

20:15 Procession pauses at Bourne Crossing / top of All Saints Street

20:30 Procession at the bottom of the High Street

21:00 Rear of Procession arrives at the Firesite

21:15 Chant and Bonfire lit

21:30 Pyro display including effigy discharged

5. Fire Site planning


1- Lance work on Pete Thompsett banner. Secured next to Memorial Garden on post for the turn of procession route. Keef/Albert/Heather halt procession as salute.  Brian lighting before procession moves around the bonfire

2- Memorial Garden – poppies and crosses, no fire due to grass and plants

3- 3 crosses on beach next to path between fire-cart tip out and mayor’s lighting area. Heather lighting.

4- HBBS large letters on path near pyro-side – Brian lighting as procession goes by.

5- Junior banner to be secured to scaffolding 6pmish

6- Plastic chair/s for Eileen – going where?  LO/EH.

7- VIP/wristband guest area needs better identifying clearly for all. Guests marshalled.

8- Fire-site equipment store area

9- Lamp-post where giant Guy tied down in strong winds.

10  Other banners not in procession secured to scaffold tower

11  Tech Event van in carpark by scaffold tower

12  Fire-cart tip out point

13  Quick match point for mayor – Keef/Heather

14  Beach bonfire


NB Brian moves into pyro-side after the HBBS letters, banners on the fire-site, the crosses, and bonfire have been lit.

Pre-set Pyro-Side - incursions

·      Enemy heads

·      Generator lighting

VIPs and Wristband holders