Members eligable to vote at General Meetings of the society but who are unable to attend may appoint proxies to vote or speak on their behalf.
To appoint a proxy there are three routes:
All require a 24-hour notice period for Proxies.
This is in line with our constitution. We informally flex to interpret this as being received by midnight the day before the meeting. At that point, Sue gets the cut-off list of proxy applications.
Print off a form, complete the form and hand it to our Secretary, Jane, or email it to her
2. Fill out the online proxy from - Online Proxy Application form
3. Email the following wording to the Jane on having completed your details:
Copy this text below into an email to
Add your name and the name of your proxy name below
I [name] as a paid up member of Hastings Borough Bonfire Society hereby appoint [proxy name] of [location/address] and failing him/her [alternative proxy and address] to speak and vote and on my behalf at the HBBS Ltd and HBT items at the Annual General Meeting of the Society to be held on the 11th day of March 2025 and at every adjournment thereof.
I understand that as well as voting, Proxies can enter into discussions and demand polls as any member would be able to. I understand that I can revoke this proxy nomination by informing the Secretary ideally at least 24 hours before the meeting or by appearing at the meeting and taking over from the Proxy for any votes not yet cast.
(signature taken as member’s email address)
(date/time taken from email sent time)